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Stock Market News

OSLO, NORWAY – 15 December 2021 – One of the largest global providers of payment services has signed an agreement to work with Zwipe to evaluate the opportunity of bringing Zwipe Pay ONE enabled biometric payment cards to issuers in North America and beyond.

In June 2021, Zwipe and IDEX Biometrics studied the payment habits, concerns on COVID-19 and desire for safer and more secure payments of over 1,000 consumers across the US and Canada. The study showed a strong demand for biometric payment cards in the US with 77% (81% in Canada) of the respondents wanting their next payment card to be biometric. In addition, 61% in the US (63% in Canada) said that they would be willing to pay a monthly fee to obtain such a card. Both organizations believe that the timing is right for this product and will be working together over the coming months to present the biometric payment card proposition to select customers with the aim of securing pilots and subsequent commercial launches.

We are delighted to be entering this agreement with one of the largest and most respected payment service providers in the world. This agreement will provide the opportunity to accelerate the adoption of next generation biometric payment cards in some of the largest credit card markets in the world. We look forward to a mutually rewarding partnership,” said André Løvestam, CEO of Zwipe.


This is information that Zwipe AS is obligated to make public pursuant to the continuing obligations of companies admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo, Nasdaq First North Growth Market and the EU Market Abuse Regulation. Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North is FNCA Sweden AB,, +46 (0) 8528 00 399. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out below, at 17:30 CET on 15 December 2021.

About Zwipe

Zwipe believes the inherent uniqueness of every person is the key to a safer future. We work with great passion across networks of international organizations, industries and cultures to make convenience safe and secure. We are pioneering next-generation biometric card and wearables technology for payment and physical & logical access control and identification solutions. We promise our customers and partners deep insight and frictionless solutions, ensuring a seamless user experience with our innovative biometric products and services. Zwipe is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with a global presence.

To learn more, visit

For further information please contact: André Løvestam, CEO, +47 991 66 135

OSLO, NORWAY – 9 November 2021 – The primary insider Diderik Schonheyder, a board member of Zwipe, has today acquired a total of 13,434 shares at an average price of SEK 29.90. Diderik Schonheyder’s shareholding after the transaction is 25,302 shares.

Attached is a copy of the form submitted to the Norwegian FSA, Finanstilsynet, reporting the transaction as listed above:

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in Regulation EU 596/2014 article 19 number 3 and the Norwegian Securities Trading Act § 5-12.

About Zwipe

Zwipe is pioneering the next generation contactless payments experience, providing biometric payment cards and wearables that enable consumers to authorize transactions with their fingerprints without compromising their privacy. Together with an ecosystem of partners including global brands within digital security and financial services, Zwipe is "Making Convenience Safe & Secure" for banks, merchants and consumers. Zwipe's solutions address the hygiene and data theft pitfalls inherent in traditional authentication methods. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with a global presence, Zwipe is leading the next great shift in payments from contactless to contact free. To learn more, visit

For further information please contact: André Løvestam, CEO, +47 991 66 135


Acceleration på flera fronter
Zwipe fortsätter det höga tempo som bolaget har hållit hittills under året och har presenterat många spännande nyheter senaste kvartalet. Kvartalet har inneburit ett antal nya partnerskap med en mängd olika aktörer i branschen. Mest noterbart är den allt starkare närvaron i Mellanöstern och Asien, med avtal med bland annat partnerskap med go-to-market aktörerna ICPS, Nymcard, QPS och CCM. Vidare har pilotavtal också slutits med MEPS för Levantregionen, Credit Libanais, en större aktör i Libanon, det norska fintech-bolaget Reltime samt en större global Tier-1 bank med pilotlanseringar i tre europeiska länder. Till följd av den allt starkare närvaron i regionen Mellanöstern, Asien och Afrika har en Claus Hansen tillsatts som VP Sales and Business Development för APAC-regionen. (Asien-Stilla-havsregionen). Bolaget har utöver detta tagit viktiga steg i Latinamerika och Karibien, genom ett avtal med det Chile-baserade fintechbolaget IC Payments.

Ytterligare kommersiell order
I vår förra uppdatering lyfte vi fram den stora nyheten att bolaget mottagit sin första order. Den kom från BCC i Taiwan och uppgick till totalt 17 miljoner norska kronor. Kort efter att analysen publicerades följde bolaget upp med att tillkännagiva att Inkript, en av de största betalkortsleverantörerna i Menaregionen (Mellanöstern och Nord-afrika) har lagt en order på totalt 3 miljoner norska kronor. Iochmed detta så stärks bolagets kommersiella momentum ytterligare och det är inte orimligt att tro i detta läge att ytterligare ordrar kan finnas i närtid. Totalt har bolaget idag skarpa ordrar på 20 miljoner norska kronor trots att de i stort fortsatt befinner sig i ett förkommersiellt stadie.

Genombrott med Tier-1 aktörer
Värt att också lyfta fram är de framgångar som Zwipe fortsätter att röna med större globala Tier-1 aktörer. Detta är anmärkningsvärt för flera anledningar, då detta inte nödvändigtvis varit ett fokusområde tidigare för bolaget. Utvärderingen av bolagets Zwipe Pay One plattform sker nu av en global Tier-1 smartkortsleverantör och ett positivt utfall på detta kan få stora effekter. Vidare har bolaget också adderat en europeisk Tier-1 bank som ger ut flera miljoner kort årligen globalt och som skall genomföra en pilot i tre europeiska länder i Q1 2022. Givet ett positivt utfall på detta så siktar banken på en större kommersiell lansering under sommaren 2022. Mycket pekar med andra ord för att 2022 kan bli ett spännande år där det kommersiella genombrottet för biometriska kort tar fart ordentligt.

Bibehållen positiv syn
Kvartalet innehöll inga överraskningar i siffrorna med en omsättning på 0,4 miljoner NOK och ett kassaflöde på -5,3 miljoner NOK per månad. Vi justerar ned våra prognoser på kort sikt men bibehåller den starka synen på lång sikt och upprepar vårt motiverade värde på 43–46 kronor på 12–18 månaders sikt. Bolaget befinner sig fortsatt i ett starkt momentum och vi väntar oss ett intensivt nyhetsflöde de kommande månaderna. Vi ser störst risk i eventuella förseningar i kommersialiseringsprocessen.

Läs hela analysen

OSLO, NORWAY – 26 October 2021  

During the third quarter, Zwipe has continued to strengthen its foundation for launching pilots and mass-volume roll out of biometric payment cards.  

  • Mauritius-based ICPS, one of Africa’s leading card personalization and processing service providers, partnered with Zwipe to bring biometric payment cards to Africa and Asia.  

  • A global Tier 1 smartcard manufacturer started the evaluation of the Zwipe Pay ONE platform.  

  • Zwipe received an MNOK 17 (USD 1.9 million) commercial order from Beautiful Card Corporation (BCC) in Taiwan, which produces around 520 million cards annually, of which around 20 million are EMV payment cards. 

  • Middle East Payment Services (MEPS), a Jordan-based commercial issuer of payment cards, announced its decision to pilot Zwipe Pay ONE with executives at up to 20 Financial Institutions in the Levant region1.  

  • Erik Selin invested MNOK 104 in Zwipe through a private placement to further accelerate development and commercialization of Zwipe. 

  • A European-based Global Tier 1 Bank, with several millions of payment cards deployed globally, decided to pilot Zwipe Pay ONE-based Biometric Payment Cards in three European countries. The bank plans for a commercial launch in summer 2022, subject to positive pilot results.  

  • Zwipe received a Commercial Order of MNOK 3 (USD 318,000) from Inkript, one of the largest payment card suppliers in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.  

  • UAE-based card issuing and processing provider NymCard ​joined forces with Zwipe to accelerate the deployment of biometric payment cards in the Middle East and Africa.  

  • Zwipe and India-based Que Processing Services (QPS) announced collaboration to bring Zwipe Pay ONE biometric payment cards in Asia and the Middle East.  

  • Zwipe and Lebanon-based Credit Card Management (CCM), who delivers payment services to more than 25 banks in Lebanon, announced collaboration to launch biometric payment card pilots in the country.  

  • Norwegian fintech Reltime selected the Zwipe Pay ONE platform to power its biometric payment card offering as part of its global financial services ecosystem, with the aim to launch pilots from Q1 2022.  

  • Zwipe America Inc. received full forgiveness of the second bank loan of $248 000 through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) which was granted and paid out in the first quarter of 2021. 

Significant Events after the period 

  • IC Payments, a Chile based fintech with offices in Uruguay and Argentina as well as a solid network of partners across Latin America, partnered with Zwipe to offer biometric payment solutions in the Latin American and Caribbean markets.  

  • Credit Libanais, one of the largest banks in Lebanon and a principal member of Visa and Mastercard, has chosen to pilot biometric payment card based on Zwipe Pay ONE. 

  • Zwipe has hired Claus Hansen as VP Sales and Business Development in APAC. Claus is based in Singapore and has a long career working in the smart card industry with more than 30 years’ experience in APAC and a broad network in the region.  

Comments from the CEO   

The third quarter of 2021 has been momentous for Zwipe in many ways. 

On the customer side, we received our first commercial orders for subsequent deployments of Zwipe Pay ONE) from BCC in Taiwan and Inkript in Lebanon with a combined value of MNOK 20 (USD 2.2 million). Both players have strong regional positions in Asia and the MENA region respectively.  

We are also pleased that a global Tier 1 Smartcard Manufacturer decided to start a comprehensive evaluation of the Zwipe Pay ONE platform, reflecting the relevance and competitiveness of our technology and offering. 

On the issuer side, the innovativeness of Middle East Payment Services (MEPS) to launch a large-scale, multi-bank pilot with Zwipe Pay ONE to bank executives across the Levant region1 was a great step forward and has inspired us to develop new concepts for accelerated piloting that reduces upfront preparation for the banks. 

I was also thrilled that a European-based global Tier-1 bank decided to launch Zwipe Pay ONE pilots in three European countries with intentions to launch commercially during summer 2022 subject to positive pilot results. Attracting global tier-1 players, not only among processors and card manufacturers, but also among banks, is something we are very proud of at Zwipe. 

In addition, Reltime decided to pilot and subsequently launch Zwipe Pay ONE enabled cards to bring world-class security in its decentralized financial services ecosystem.  

In parallel with all this, we further strengthened our reach, market coverage, and implementation capabilities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East by finalizing key Go-to-market partnerships with ICPS (part of the HPS Group), NymCard, Que Processing Services and Credit Card Management. Partnerships such as these are vital in order to accelerate developments and maximise the Zwipe Pay ONE opportunity. I refer to this as “the Megaphone effect”. 

To help quantify the business case for launching biometric payment cards for issuers and further drive the biometric payment card opportunity across the value chain, we have developed a comprehensive ROI (Return on Investment) Calculator. The calculator demonstrates the financial value of Zwipe Pay ONE to issuers and shows that, even without a card fee paid by the cardholder, Zwipe Pay ONE can deliver a $15m annual net benefit for an average US issuer with a 1 million credit card portfolio. The ROI model has been developed together with recognized external industry experts. We were delighted by the results and the reinforcement of the value that our offering can bring to card issuers. The ROI calculator is now an integral part of our value proposition to issuers to further accelerate the adoption of biometric payment cards. 

All in all, I am happy to report that we continue to experience broad-based acknowledgement of Zwipe’s competitiveness and value add for the industry from all parts of the payment ecosystem.  

Another significant highlight from the third quarter 2021 was the MNOK 104 investment from the prominent Swedish investor Erik Selin through a private placement of 4,000,000 new shares to further accelerate our ongoing development, commercialization and global expansion.  

As previously communicated, Zwipe’s development efforts for Zwipe Pay ONE has passed almost all critical milestones and major risk points, with piloting and certification left before subsequent full commercialization and mass volumes. Together with development and manufacturing partners, we are progressing towards finalization of Zwipe Pay ONE, which will be followed by the formal certification process by our card manufacturing customers with the payment schemes. When verifying Zwipe Pay ONE, it is clear that we will have a very cost competitive offering and enable our customers to launch biometric payment cards with excellent performance resulting in a compelling user experience for cardholders. Similar to many other companies engaged in multinational development projects, the effects of COVID-19 have added complexity and extended lead times to the overall Zwipe Pay ONE development program, but I am pleased with how our organization continues to tackle and overcome challenges and is well positioned to bring a fully commercially available Zwipe Pay ONE offering to market as soon as we have completed the final steps. 

Finally, I am very proud of the Zwipe organization. The passion, competence, agility, collaborativeness, responsiveness and winning culture that they live out every day is what fuels our mission and drives us forward on our path to market success, great customer satisfaction and creation of shareholder value.  

Financial Update  

  • Total revenues in Q3 2021 were 0.4 MNOK (MNOK 0.1).   

  • Average monthly operational cash flow was MNOK -5.3 in Q3 2021 versus MNOK -4.4 in Q3 2020. The increase is a result of recruitments and higher activity in the company. During 2021, Zwipe has increased its staff in response to the increased number of customer engagements and growing demand for piloting and deployment of our payment solutions and services. 

  • The closing cash balance at the end of Q3 2021 was MNOK 183.7 (MNOK 117.3). The development in cash balance since end of Q2 2021 (MNOK 94.9) is primarily a result of operational cash flow of MNOK -15.8 and the private placement to Erik Selin of MNOK 104 in August 2021.  

  • As Zwipe received full forgiveness of the second PPP loan in August, Zwipe is again debt-free.  

Footnote 1: The Levant region includes Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Turkey and Israel


This is information that Zwipe AS is obligated to make public pursuant to the continuing obligations of companies admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo, Nasdaq First North Growth Market and the EU Market Abuse Regulation. Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North is FNCA Sweden AB,, +46 (0) 8528 00 399. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out below, at 08:00 CEST on 26 October 2021. 

About Zwipe 

Zwipe is pioneering the next generation contactless payments experience, providing biometric payment cards components and wearables technology that enable consumers to authorize transactions with their fingerprints without compromising their privacy. Together with an ecosystem of partners including global brands within digital security and financial services, Zwipe is "Making Convenience Safe & Secure" for banks, merchants and consumers. Zwipe's solutions address the hygiene and data theft pitfalls inherent in traditional authentication methods. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with a global presence, Zwipe is leading the next great shift in payments from contactless to contact free. To learn more, visit

For more information, please contact:  

André Løvestam 
+47 991 661 35

OSLO, NORWAY – 27 September 2021- The share capital increase of 4,000,000 new shares in Zwipe AS, as resolved by the board meeting of the company on 30 August 2021, has today been registered in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. The new share capital is NOK 3,698,268.50, and the new number of shares and votes is 36,982,685. 


About Zwipe

Zwipe is pioneering the next generation contactless payments experience, providing biometric payment card components and wearables technology that enable consumers to authorize transactions with their fingerprints without compromising their privacy. Together with an ecosystem of partners including global brands within digital security and financial services, Zwipe is "Making Convenience Safe & Secure" for banks, merchants and consumers. Zwipe's solutions address the hygiene and data theft pitfalls inherent in traditional authentication methods. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with a global presence, Zwipe is leading the next great shift in payments from contactless to contact free. To learn more, visit

For more information, please contact: 

Lars Kristian Solheim, CFO

+47 991 661 35

This is information that Zwipe AS is obligated to make public pursuant to the continuing obligations of companies admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Market Oslo and on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm. Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North is FNCA Sweden AB,, +46 (0) 8528 00 399. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out below, at 13:15 CEST on 27 September 2021.

OSLO, NORWAY – 3 September 2021 – The primary insider Johan Biehl, a board member of Zwipehas today sold a total of 92,883 shares at an average at SEK 37.03Johan Biehl’s shareholding after the transaction is 120,000 shares. Feat Invest AB, where Johan Biehl is a board memberhas sold 57,301 shares at an average price at SEK 36.86. Feat Invest AB’s shareholding after the transaction is 262,479 shares.   

Attached is a copy of the forms submitted to the Norwegian FSA, Finanstilsynet, reporting the transactions as listed above:


For further information please contact: André Løvestam, CEO, +47 991 66 135

About Zwipe

Zwipe is pioneering the next generation contactless payments experience, providing biometric payment cards and wearables that enable consumers to authorize transactions with their fingerprints without compromising their privacy. Together with an ecosystem of partners including global brands within digital security and financial services, Zwipe is "Making Convenience Safe & Secure" for banks, merchants and consumers. Zwipe's solutions address the hygiene and data theft pitfalls inherent in traditional authentication methods. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with a global presence, Zwipe is leading the next great shift in payments from contactless to contact free.

To learn more, visit

Når en första kommersiell order

Det första halvåret och perioden efter har minst sagt varit händelserikt för Zwipe med ett antal större nya partnerskap, piloter, samarbetsavtal samt en första större kommersiell order. Den 11e maj tillkännagav bolaget ett samarbetsavtal med Beautiful Card Corporation (BCC) för att leverera bolagets biometriska kortlösningar till den asiatiska marknaden. BCC producerar kring 520 miljoner kort årligen, varav cirka 20 miljoner av dessa är betalkort. Kort efter halvårets utgång meddelande Zwipe att en första kommersiell order nåtts med BCC till ett värde av 1,9 miljoner USD, motsvarande nästan 17 miljoner kronor. Ordern kommer levereras under 2022, med möjlighet att skjuta på leverans om marknaden inte utvecklats snabbt nog. Detta utgör inte bara en av de större beställningarna för biometriska kort hittills utan innebär också att Zwipe nu tar första stegen in i den kommersiella resan, vilket bekräftar bolagets starka position i den begynnande marknaden.

Pilotavtal med stor global bank

Första halvåret har inneburit ett kraftigt växande nätverk av både partners och kunder. Dessa utgör en blandning av både kortutgivare och betaltjänstleverantörer vilket innebär att marknaden bearbetas från flera olika håll. Särskilt intressant är nyheten som släpptes i början av september där bolaget tillkännagav en pilot med en global Tier-1 bank. Piloten innebär att bolagets Zwipe Pay ONE plattform kommer att testas skarpt i tre europeiska länder i början av 2022 men potential för en kommersiell lansering i mitten av året. Detta kan utgöra en av bolagets största milstolpar hittills och potentialen är stor. Banken, som ännu inte tillkännagivits, har bas i Europa, agerar globalt på flera kontinenter och den potentiella långsiktiga volymen från avtalet är troligt i tiotals miljoner.

Tidigare i år har bolaget bland annat slutit avtal med KL HI-TECH för Indien, Be ys Pay för biometriska kort i Frankrike och Benelux-regionen, FSS för global utrullning, BCC som nämnt ovan, MEPS med fokus på MENA-regionen och Silkways Card & Printing Ltd med fokus på Bangladesh. Efter andra kvartalet har även avtal slutits med ICPS, med fokus på Afrika och Asien, samt ett avtal med MEPS där nyckelpersoner på ett tjugotal banker i Levant-regionen kommer få genomföra en pilot med bolagets Zwipe Pay ONE plattform. Det blir allt tydligare att en begynnande massmarknad tar form och intresset är större än någonsin från banker och kortutgivare.

Utvärderas av global Tier-1 korttillverkare

Utöver dessa avtal har därtill bolaget tillkännagivit att Zwipe Pay ONE plattformen utvärderas av en global smartcard-utgivare inom kategorin Tier 1. Tier 1 utgör världens tre största utgivare, alla med volymer över en halv miljard kort om året, och är en kundkategori vi tidigare inte beräknat som ett fokusområde för bolagets marknadsbearbetning. Det faktum att Zwipe nu utvärderas av allt större aktörer är en indikation på den attraktiva, konkurrenskraftiga ställning bolaget etablerar på denna begynnande marknad. Ett avtal med en kund i denna kaliber skulle innebära en större adresserbar marknad och hade accelererat adoptionen av biometriska kort givet dessa aktörers etablerade kundrelationer med några av världens största banker.

Milstolpe efter milstolpe

Halvåret innehöll inga överraskningar i siffrorna med en omsättning på 1,4 miljon norska kronor (0,9), ett resultat kring -26,9 miljoner norska kronor (-31,6) och en burnrate kring 5 miljoner norska kronor per månad. Trots detta har sommaren inneburit ett stort antal stora milstolpar för bolaget vilket gör att risken minskar samtidigt som långsiktiga potentialen stärks. Alltmer talar för att vi står inför större kommersiellt genombrott under 2022 och vi väntar oss ett fortsatt spännande år för bolaget. Till följd av sänkt diskonteringsränta och mindre förändringar i våra prognoser höjer vi bolagets motiverade värde till 43–46 kronor (34–37), på 12–18 månaders sikt.


Läs analysen här

OSLO, NORWAY – 2 SEPTEMBER 2021 - Zwipe is proud to announce a biometric payment cards pilot with a Global Tier-1 bank. The bank, which is headquartered in Europe, has a strong presence in retail banking and serves many millions of customers across several continents. The pilot will take place in three European countries using biometric payment cards based on the Zwipe Pay ONE platform.

Across many global markets, Zwipe and its card manufacturing partners are experiencing growing interest in biometric payment cards from banks. These cards will deliver world class transaction security, uplifted user experience, improved loyalty and drive new customer acquisition. Delivering a completely touch-free check-out experience above and below the current contactless limits, biometric payment cards will address elevated consumer concerns about touching the point-of-sale terminals.

Together with its card manufacturing and personalization partners, who will deliver the Zwipe Pay ONE Biometric Cards, Zwipe will commence working with the Global Tier-1 Bank later this month with the aim to launch a pilot of a few hundred cardholders across three European countries in Q1 2022. The bank also plans for a commercial launch of Zwipe Pay ONE based biometric payment cards later in the summer 2022, subject to positive results in the pilot. 

André Løvestam, CEO of Zwipe, said: “We are thrilled that a Global Tier 1 bank has chosen Zwipe Pay ONE-based biometric payment cards for their pilot and, potentially, for a commercial launch where the long-term potential could be significant. Besides the technology, Zwipe will also support the bank through all stages of the pilot, ensuring that all end users’ experiences and feedback are systematically captured. This Zwipe Pay ONE pilot is a significant milestone and a testament to our world-class technology and excellent collaboration with strong partners in all parts of the payments ecosystem”.


This is information that Zwipe AS is obliged to make public pursuant to the Continuing obligations of companies admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Market Oslo, Nasdaq First North Growth Market and the EU Market Abuse Regulation. Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North is FNCA Sweden AB,, +46 (0) 8528 00 399. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out below, at 12:45 CEST on 2 September 2021.

For further information please contact: André Løvestam, CEO, +47 991 66 135

About Zwipe 

Zwipe is pioneering the next generation contactless payments experience, providing biometric payment cards components and wearables technology that enable consumers to authorize transactions with their fingerprints without compromising their privacy. Together with an ecosystem of partners including global brands within digital security and financial services, Zwipe is "Making Convenience Safe & Secure" for banks, merchants and consumers. Zwipe's solutions address the hygiene and data theft pitfalls inherent in traditional authentication methods. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with a global presence, Zwipe is leading the next great shift in payments from contactless to contact free.

To learn more, visit


OSLO, NORWAY – 30 August 2021 – Zwipe AS (“Zwipe” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has raised approximately NOK 104 million in gross proceeds through a private placement of 4,000,000 new shares (the “New Shares”), directed towards Erik Selin Fastigheter AB (the "Private Placement"). The Company has prior to the resolution received an indication of interest from Erik Selin Fastigheter AB covering the transaction size.

The net proceeds of the Private Placement will be used to fund further development and commercialization of the Company, general operating costs and strategic investments. After completion of this private placement, Zwipe is funded through commercial launches in 2022 and beyond based on the current business plan and market assumptions. 

The subscription price in the Private Placement will be NOK 26.10 per share, corresponding to today's closing price on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. As no discount has been provided, the board does not plan to execute a repair issue.  

The new Shares will be issued and tradable on Euronext Growth Oslo and Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm following the registration of the share capital increase in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises expected to take place on or about 30 September 2021. 

The Board has found the Private Placement to be in compliance with the applicable equal treatment requirements, ref. Euronext Growth Oslo Rule Book, Part II, section 3.1. The Private Placement allows the Company to raise capital faster, with lower risk and significantly lower transaction costs than in a rights issue. Further, no discount is given from market price. The Board also shows to that no discrimination among the existing shareholders is taking place since Erik Selin Fastigheter AB is not a shareholder. Finally, the Board emphasizes that Erik Selin Fastigheter AB is generally considered a strong and long term investor who the Company and the joint shareholders will gain from including as a shareholder. 

The Private Placement is exempted from relevant prospectus requirements (i) outside the United States in reliance on Regulation S under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, (the “US Securities Act”) and (ii) in the United States to "accredited investors" as defined in the US Securities Act Rule 501(a), acquiring the New Shares for investment purposes for its own account, or pursuant to another exemption from the registration requirements of the US Securities Act.

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS is acting as legal advisor to Zwipe. 

About Zwipe

Zwipe is pioneering the next generation contactless payments experience, providing biometric payment cards and wearables that enable consumers to authorize transactions with their fingerprints without compromising their privacy. Together with an ecosystem of partners including global brands within digital security and financial services, Zwipe is "Making Convenience Safe & Secure" for banks, merchants and consumers. Zwipe's solutions address the hygiene and data theft pitfalls inherent in traditional authentication methods. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with a global presence, Zwipe is leading the next great shift in payments from contactless to contact free. To learn more, visit

For further information please contact: André Løvestam, CEO, +47 991 66 135

This is information that Zwipe AS is obliged to make public pursuant to the Euronext Growth Market Oslo Rule Book Part II, Section 3.10 and the EU Market Abuse Regulation. Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North is FNCA Sweden AB,, +46 (0) 8528 00 399. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 19:30 CEST on 30 August 2021. 


This release is issued for information purposes only, and does not constitute or form a part of any offer or solicitation to purchase or subscribe for securities in the United States, or any other jurisdiction in which such distribution would be unlawful or would require registration or other measures. The securities mentioned herein have not been, and will not be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "US Securities Act"). The securities may not be offered or sold in the United States except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the US Securities Act. The Company does not intend to register any portion of the offering of the securities in the United States or to conduct a public offering of the securities in the United States. Copies of this announcement are not being made and may not be distributed or sent into Australia, Canada, Japan or the United States. 

The issue, subscription or purchase of shares in the Company is subject to specific legal or regulatory restrictions in certain jurisdictions. Neither the Company nor the Managers assume any responsibility in the event there is a violation by any person of such restrictions. 

The distribution of this release may in certain jurisdictions be restricted by law. Persons into whose possession this release comes should inform themselves about and observe any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. 

The Managers are acting for the Company and no one else in connection with the Private Placement and will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company providing the protections afforded to their respective clients or for providing advice in relation to the Private Placement and/or any other matter referred to in this release. 

Forward-looking statements: This release and any materials distributed in connection with this release may contain certain forward-looking statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they reflect the Company's current expectations and assumptions as to future events and circumstances that may not prove accurate. A number of material factors could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.

Media Inquiries

Patrice Meilland,
Chief Commercial Officer